Wis-Hipple Miller American Profile Blade

Latex Free

• Wisconsin-modified blade with a straight spatula
• Flange tends to be straighter than a Wisconsin blade and runs parallel with the spatula
• Designed primarily for use in infants
• Wider, flat tip is well-adapted to lifting the epiglottis
• Frosted lamp provides diffused illumination without shadows
• Constructed of 303/304 surgical stainless steel

Brand: SunMed ®
ItemDescriptionBlade SizeBlade LengthHeel HeightQTY
5-5057-20Premature065 mm11 mm1
5-5057-01Infant1102 mm10 mm1
5-5057-15Small Child1.5115 mm14 mm1
5-5057-02Child2135 mm17 mm1
5-5057-03Medium Adult3162 mm18 mm1
5-5057-04Large Adult4199 mm21 mm1
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