Expandable Breathing Circuit

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This Item is Part of AirLife Secure!

The Expandable Breathing Circuit ensures accurate readings. The Expandable dual-limb hoses expand to multiple lengths.

  • Designed and tested to ensure peak performance and accurate readings
  • Expandable dual-limb hoses that extend to 75″ (1.9 m), 90″ (2.3 m), 108″ (2.75.m) and 120″ (3.1 m)
  • ISO standard 22 mm machine-end cuff connections
  • 100% Leak tested
  • Configurations with face masks, filters, heat moisture exchanger with filter (HMEFs) and gas sampling lines
  • We employ rigorous product development, designed with patient safety in mind
  • Compatible with GE Healthcare anesthesia delivery equipment
Brand: AirLife™
B1713XXXExpandable Anesthesia Circuit, Pediatric, 108" Expandable, 1L, Parallel pediatric wye, Sampling elbow, & HEPA Pediatric20
B17B4XX4 Expandable Anesthesia Circuit, Pediatric, 108" Expandable, 1L, Parallel pediatric wye, Sampling elbow, HEPA, & M/M GSL Adult20
GHIFXXXXExpandable Anesthesia Circuit, Adult, 90" Expandable, 3L, Parallel wye, Sampling elbow, HEPA, Size 5 mask, M/M GSL, Yankauer, & Suction tubing Adult20
A4FX2004 Expandable Anesthesia Circuit, Adult, 75" Expandable, 3L, Parallel wye, Sampling elbow, Size 5 mask, HMEF, & M/M GSLAdult20
A4Y520X4FExpandable Anesthesia Circuit, Adult, 120" Expandable, 3L, Parallel wye, Sampling elbow, 2 B/V filters, Size 5 mask, HMEF, & M/M GSL Adult20
AMY520X4F ExpandableAnesthesia Circuit, Adult, 120" Expandable, 3L, Parallel wye, Sampling elbow, 2 B/V filters, Size 5 mask, HMEF, & M/M GSL Adult20
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